Friday, February 27, 2009

And the drumroll please...

Here are the fabrics I chose:

So the correct number combination was #5 & #3. No one guessed both but several of you guessed at least one right.

So after giving everyone the correct amount of entries I tossed you all in hat and the lucky winner is...

Congrats, Ellena! A Weekender and a wallet:)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Where is the spring!?!

Ok, how is everyone? Sorry I have been MIA around here, but I am just coming off a little bout of Influenza or something of the like. Today is the first day I have been out of my house since Sunday morning, and it is the first day I have driven my car since Friday! Talk about living in the Twilight Zone...

So, now that I am back amongst the living I figured I would take care of a little bloggy business..

1) The Giveaway- The giveaway is now closed and I would like to thank everyone who participated. I will be announcing the winner on Saturday so stay tuned.

2) Weekender Bag progress- Right now I am completely annoyed with my weekender bag...attaching the main panels in all of their Timtex glory to the zipper/bottom panel is turing into my own private nightmare. I am hoping I can just pull it off with out having to start over 2 days before the deadline! I am having an AWFUL time getting close enough to the piping...especially in the bottom corners. There is SO much bulk in the seams! I trimmed the timtex back but I am still having an issue. I have broken about 5 needles so far. At this point I am half considering hand-sewing the darn thing! I hear the lining part is a breeze compared to the step I am at now...I am ready for a little something 'breezy' let me tell ya! Right now I am in the process of taking deep breaths and counting to 10 just to get me thru!

3) Where is the spring- I don't know about all of you, but I am totally ready for spring! Winter has definitely worn out it's welcome with me! I am ready to go outside for longer than a few minutes. I want to sit on the deck, get into the garden, put flowers in the pots, and crack out the grill! Ok, I am done:) But seriously, we have to be getting close, right?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Excitement is in the air and I am having a GIVEAWAY!

This is a sticky posts found below until contest closes on the 20th:)


Okay, everyone, I am so excited!!! I am participating the We The People Swap Episode #4, hosted by the wonderful Tracey, and in this round we are making weekender bags! YAY! Not only do I get to make this awesome bag for someone, but I get one in return!

So today I have finally decided on my fabrics...and I am going to give all of you a chance to guess which ones they are. Those of you who guess correctly will be entered in a drawing to win a frankenpug wallet (inspired by 'this darn kat' tutorial)!!! So exciting right?!?

Here are the choices...

Fabrics for the main body of the bag:






Fabrics for accent and lining:






Ok, so here's the rules...EDITED

Select a main fabric and and accent fabric (you can identify them by number) and type your selection, along with your wallet color preference, in the comments section of this post. Those of you who guess the right combination will be placed in a hat,or into the RNG, and one lucky person will be the recipient of a frankenpug wallet. Only one entry per person. Contest will remain open until 2/20. Good guessin'!

New Rules:

Posting a guess will give you 1 entry
Spreading the word will give you 1 more entries
Guessing one of the fabrics correctly will give you 3 extra entries
Guessing both fabrics correctly will give 5 extra entries.

Add em up and that could equal 10 entries!

oh yeah...I will announce the winner on 2/28 (the swap deadline)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Weekender Bag Progress Report

Ok, so I have all my pieces cut out for my Weekender Bag project. (Well. almost all of the cutting is complete. I ordered a bolt of heavy sew-in interfacing from Joann's with my 50% off coupon-good deal!- anyway the shipping takes FOREVER from that place! It finally made it here so I really have a couple more cut outs to do of the interfacing). Let me tell you that is a LOT of cutting! I would show pics of all my lovely cut outs, but that would give away my fabric choices...and that wouldn't make sense since I am having a "guess what fabric I picked giveaway".

I am going to start on the sewing tonight. Lyddiebug is staying at the GP's and Andy and Graham have baseball that means I get the house all to myself for 3.5 whole hours! Cha-ching! Talk about 3.5 consecutive hours of uninterrupted sewing while singing along the to XM satellite radio (the Lithium station-yeah, I am totally stuck in the 90'! I am a little nervous because I have had some bad luck with covering the cording in the past so to be safe I plan to have a seam ripper on hand...and I think I am going to whip out the antique machine with the old standard zipper foot to see if that helps out at all. My zipper foot for my Brother machine is not very user friendly for me for some reason. Does anyone have any Brother zipper foot tips that might be useful? I hate it because it is so wide at the back which doesn't' really facilitate close sewing to the zipper. Unless maybe I am trying to sew too close? I think I need some guidance!:)

Ok, I am done rambling/venting about my zipper foot...any comments with helpful tips will be much appreciated:) I will take photos as I complete the bag so I can share the construction process later.

Have a good weekend everyone!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I feel LAME!

Ok, so is my giveaway lame or what...I have six entrants. Oh well, that definitely makes the odds better for those of you who have posted a guess;) I think I am going to ammend the rules a little...(Click the link to see the edited contest)

On to happier news...

I just received my first mini quilt from the uber talented Jill. It is AMAZING! I love it! I think it is by far one of the coolest things I have ever received in a swap. Thanks so much Jill! BTW, your quilt is in the mail today...

Check out the photos...

I think my June Cleaver-esque mini looks fab against the 50's aqua colored walls of my sewing room!

(Check out my innovative hanging mechanism...packing tape stuck straight to the wall...FANCY!)

So creative! I am in complete awe!

I absolutely love this quilt and can't wait to hang it on the wall. BTW, how exactly do you hang these things on the wall? I have the perfect spot for it right behind my ironing board:)